Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Andy Warhol the Westie

See this picture of pure inocence and cuteness. This is Andy our West Highland Terrier Pup. In 4 days time he'll be five months old. He looks wonderfull but ohhh how looks can be decieving. Andy who was named after Andy Warhol can with a cute as a button look, launch himself at table legs to knock down anything that looks like it should be made into chewed up works of art. He destroyed a day timer even though it was 4 feet off the ground and supposedley where he couldnt get too. My Pyjama bottoms, various items of underwear and heavy jeans have been dragged round the house many times. They go from clean pile to Andy to needing to be washed all in one session.

Let him into a garden and he will perfom a tigger impression bouncing from plant to plant as he rip's them up. Dig with those white as snow paws, trenches that navvy's would be proud of. In twenty seconds he managed to get more swear words out of my school teacher partner than I have heard in twenty years. I think even she was shocked at what came out of her mouth. Then of course once caught red handed in the garbage or with a plant stalk hanging from his mouth, he will give you his "who me, I'm a poor needy pup" look. Grrrrrr

Were currently training him to go and do his business outside. He's already paper trained.... I take him outside, he looks at me and sits down, or eats dirt or fidgets or even sits nicely. Anything but what he is supposed to do. Then as soon as he comes inside its off to the paper #%&*(.

But in the end he's a really wonderfull and cute lil friend, we just have to get through the puppy teens and such.... I think ! ;)

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